Preliminary Five

The Path to Non-separation Equational Progression

Part One: The Personal

Personal Origin
[\ BM\0\ \ >*]
The singular circumscription of personal attention on Body-Mind without personal attention as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: PG
Central Operation: none
Blocks: one
Objective: To identify behavioral default.

Personal Monad
[\ BM \ >* | BM\0\ >*]
The singular circumscription of personal attention on Body-Mind as autonomous movement relegated from Body-Mind without personal attention as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: PM
Central Operation: relegated from
Blocks: one
Objective: To foster consistent attention.

Personal Perceiver
[\\ \ BM \ \\ >* | BM\0\ >*]
The singular circumscription of personal presence on personal attention on Body-Mind as autonomous movement relegated from Body-Mind without personal attention as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: PP
Central Operation: relegated from
Blocks: one
Objective: To practice perpetual presence.

Personal Statement
[PM >*÷ PP >*]
The singular circumscription of Personal Monad as autonomous movement divided by Personal Perceiver as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: PS
Central Operation: divided by
Blocks: one
Objective: To uncover primary attachments.

Personal Narrative
[PS are >* – PS sbe >*]
The singular circumscription of Personal Statement as the way events are as autonomous movement minus Personal Statement as the way events should be as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: PN
Central Operation: minus
Blocks: one
Objective: To calculate contextual effect.

Personal Ego
[ [PP >* & PS >*] & PN >* ]
The paired circumscription of the singular circumscription of Personal Perceiver as autonomous movement in parallel with Personal Statement as autonomous movement, the singular circumscription in parallel with Personal Narrative as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: PE
Central Operation: in parallel with (post singular circumscription)
Blocks: two
Objective: To adopt tripartite identity.

Personal Query
[\ ? \ >! & PE >*]
The singular circumscription of personal attention on Inquiry as autonomous being in parallel with Personal Ego as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: PQ
Central Operation: in parallel with
Blocks: one
Objective: To challenge egoic dominance.

Personal Witness
[ [\ ? \ >! x PP >!] | [PE – PP] >* ]
The partnered circumscription of the singular circumscription of personal attention on Inquiry as autonomous being replaced by Personal Perceiver as autonomous being, the singular circumscription relegated from the singular circumscription of Personal Ego minus Personal Perceiver, the singular circumscription as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: PW
Central Operation: relegated from
Blocks: two
Objective: To initiate peripheral presence.

Personal Observer
[PW >* @ [PE – PP] >* ]
The paired circumscription of Personal Witness as autonomous being observing the single circumscription of Personal Ego minus Personal Perceiver, the single circumscription as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: PO
Central Operation: observing
Blocks: two
Objective: To perform active observation.

Personal Agent
[PW >! @ [uPE – PP] >* ]
The paired circumscription of Personal Witness as autonomous being observing the singular circumscription of unreal Personal Ego minus Personal Perceiver, the singular circumscription as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: PA
Central Operation: observing
Blocks: two
Objective: To inhabit observational location.

Part Two: The Impersonal

Impersonal Query
[{ ? } >! & uPA >*]
The singular circumscription of impersonal attention on Inquiry as autonomous being in parallel with unreal Personal Agent as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: IQ
Central Operation: in parallel with
Blocks: one
Objective: To detect post-personal possibility.

Impersonal Witness
[ [{ ? } >! x PP >!] | uPA >* ]
The paired circumscription of the singular circumscription of impersonal attention on Inquiry as autonomous being replaced by Personal Perceiver as autonomous being, the singular circumscription relegated from unreal Personal Agent as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: IW
Central Operation: relegated from
Blocks: two
Objective: To shift observational position.

Impersonal Transfer
[ [uPW >! x IW >!] | [uPA – PW ] >* ]
The partnered circumscription of the singular circumscription of unreal Personal Witness as autonomous being replaced by Impersonal Witness as autonomous being, the singular circumscription relegated from the singular circumscription of unreal Personal Agent minus Personal Witness, the singular circumscription as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: IF
Central Operation: relegated from
Blocks: two
Objective: To repair positional viewership.

Impersonal Statement
[ [IW >* @ uPS >*] | uPN >* ]
The paired circumscription of the singular circumscription of Impersonal Witness as autonomous movement observing unreal Personal Statement as autonomous movement, the singular circumscription relegated from unreal Personal Narrative as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: IS
Central Operation: relegated from
Blocks: two
Objective: To re-interpret primary attachments.

Impersonal Narrative
[IS are >* – IS sbe >*]
The singular circumscription of Impersonal Statement as the way events are as autonomous movement minus Impersonal Statement as the way events should be as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: IN
Central Operation: minus
Blocks: one
Objective: To renew referential environment.

Impersonal Ego
[IW >* @ [IS >* & IN >*] ]
The paired circumscription of Impersonal Witness as autonomous movement observing the singular circumscription of Impersonal Statement as autonomous movement in parallel with Impersonal Narrative as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: IE
Central Operation: observing
Blocks: two
Objective: To consolidate non-personal identity.

Impersonal Observer
[IW >! @ [fIE – IW] >* ]
The paired circumscription of Impersonal Witness as autonomous being observing the singular circumscription of false Impersonal Ego minus Impersonal Witness, the singular circumscription as autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: IO
Central Operation: observing
Blocks: two
Objective: To delineate solitary viewership.

Impersonal Principle
[IW >! @ [IE – IW] >* x <* ]
The paired circumscription of Impersonal Witness as autonomous being observing the singular circumscription of Impersonal Ego minus Impersonal Witness, the singular circumscription as autonomous movement replaced by non-autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: IL
Central Operation: observing
Blocks: two
Objective:To recognize spontaneous arising.

Impersonal Actor
[IW <* @ [IE – IW] >* x <* ]
The paired circumscription of Impersonal Witness as non-autonomous movement observing the singular circumscription of Impersonal Ego minus Impersonal Witness, the singular circumscription as autonomous movement replaced by non-autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: IT
Central Operation: observing
Blocks: two
Objective: To surrender normative control.

Impersonal Agent
[ [PE – PP] >* x <* ]
The paired circumscription of the singular circumscription of Personal Ego minus Personal Perceiver, the singular circumscription as autonomous movement replaced by non-autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: IA
Central Operation: minus
Blocks: one
Objective: To experience generated life.

Part Three: The Transpersonal

Transpersonal Query
[( ? ) <* & IA <*]
The singular circumscription of transpersonal attention on Inquiry as non-autonomous movement in parallel with Impersonal Agent as non-autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: TQ
Central Operation: in parallel with
Blocks: one
Objective: To question subterranean activity.

Transpersonal Origin
[IA <* / ( ? ) <*]
The singular circumscription of Impersonal Agent as non-autonomous movement held within transpersonal attention on Inquiry as non-autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: TG
Central Operation: held within
Blocks: one
Objective: To enter gestational circumference.

Transpersonal Witness
[ [( ? ) <* x / PP <!] | IA <* ]
The paired circumscription of singular circumscription of transpersonal attention on Inquiry as non-autonomous movement replaced by held within Personal Perceiver as non-autonomous being, the singular circumscription relegated from Impersonal Agent as non-autonomous movement.
Element Abbreviation: TW
Central Operation: relegated from
Blocks: two
Objective: To master encompassing space.

Transpersonal Observer
[IA <* /@ [IW <* x TW <!] ]
The paired circumscription of Impersonal Agent as non-autonomous movement held within and observed by the singular circumscription of Impersonal Witness as non-autonomous movement replaced by Transpersonal Witness as non-autonomous being.
Element Abbreviation: TO
Central Operation: held within and observed by
Blocks: two
Objective: To offer abiding domicile.

Transpersonal Source
[TO – TO] <!
The singular circumscription of Transpersonal Observer minus Transpersonal Observer, the singular circumscription as non-autonomous being.
Element Abbreviation: TU
Central Operation: minus
Blocks: one
Objective: To realize eternal foundation.

Transpersonal Agent
[TU <! = TO] <!
The singular circumscription of Transpersonal Source as non-autonomous being at one with Transpersonal Observer, the singular circumscription as non-autonomous being.
Element Abbreviation: TA
Central Operation: at one with
Blocks: one
Objective: To integrate manifested foundation.

Transpersonal Actor
[ TA <! x [TA <! – TA <!] ># ]
The paired circumscription of Transpersonal Agent as non-autonomous being replaced by the singular circumscription of Transpersonal Agent as non-autonomous being minus Transpersonal Agent as non-autonomous being, the singular circumscription as autonomous evolution.
Element Abbreviation: TT
Central Operation: replaced by
Blocks: two
Objective: To imbue foundational action.

Transpersonal Unity
TU <! = TT >#
Transpersonal Source as non-autonomous being at one with Transpersonal Actor as autonomous evolution.
Element Abbreviation: TY
Central Operation: at one with
Blocks: one
Objective: To clarify eternal foundation.

Transpersonal Awakening
TY = TA <!
Transpersonal Unity at one with Transpersonal Agent as non-autonomous being.
Element Abbreviation: TK
Central Operation: at one with
Blocks: one
Objective: To understand boundary’s absence.

TK ^ [ [PE – PP] >* x <~]
Transpersonal Awakening living the paired circumscription of the singular circumscription of Personal Ego minus Personal Perceiver, the singular circumscription as autonomous movement replaced by non-autonomous existence.
Element Abbreviation: NS
Central Operation: living
Blocks: two
Objective: To embody aligned life.