Preliminary Two

The Path to Non-separation Notational Definitions


BM Body-Mind
1: the pre-given, pre-egoic normative human situation 2: pre-attentional identity 3: the foundational element of The Path to Non-separation


[…] singular circumscription
1: an identity contraction that believes itself to be separate from the totality 2: an identity contraction within a paired or partnered circumscription 3: an identity contraction that can constitute an operand or be an existential of an operand

[ […] ] paired circumscription
1: an identity contraction within an initial act of separation from the totality 2: two identity contractions from the totality, each holding existentials that result in the creation of operands 3: a boundaried host for a single circumscription and its own constituent elementals

[ […] […] ] partnered circumscription
1: two identity contractions within an initial act of separation from the totality 2: three identity contractions from the totality, each holding existentials that result in the creation of operands 3: a boundaried host for two single circumscriptions and its own constituent elements


BM\0\ Body-Mind without personal attention
the pre-given, pre-egoic normative human situation operating with no awareness of its deeper condition or underlying potentials

\…\ personal attention on
1. awareness attached to an individual Body-Mind focusing on the experience of Body-Mind without personal attention (i.e. Personal Origin) 2. awareness attached to an individual Body-Mind focusing on Body-Mind (i.e. Personal Monad) 3. an operation that activates Personal Origin and Personal Monad

\\…\\ personal presence on
1. an awareness primarily focused on personal attention and secondarily focused on Body-Mind and Body-Mind without personal attention (i.e. Personal Perceiver) 2. the outcome of the discovery of and identification with a “third object” that is aware of personal attention, Body-Mind, and Body-Mind without attention

{…} impersonal attention on
1. post-personal individual awareness of an inquiry that questions all experiences felt to be personal in nature 2. an operation included in the manifestation of Impersonal Query and Impersonal Witness

(…) transpersonal attention on
1. post-impersonal individual awareness of an inquiry that questions all experiences felt to be personal or impersonal in nature 2. an operation included in the manifestation of Transpersonal Query, Transpersonal Origin, and Transpersonal Witness


| relegated from
1. an operation that lifts a block or operand from the mental foreground to place it in the background of an operandal environment 2. an operation that calls for an existential or operand to be temporarily forgotten

& in parallel with
1. an operation that links two to three elements or two operands arising as distinct mental vectors in unison as a single movement 2. an operation that connects dual or tripartite streams of experience occurring simultaneously as an identity structure

– minus
1. an operation that calculates the difference between the way events are and the way events should be 2. an operation that activates Personal Narrative and Impersonal Narrative

÷ divided by
1. an operation that splits the foundational separative identity story into its constituent parts 2. an operation that activates Personal Statement

? Inquiry
1. an operation that challenges personal or impersonal experience as the ultimate end-point of identity 2. an operation that initiates the transcendence of personal or impersonal experience

x replaced by
an operation that eliminates one element with its descriptive elementals and promotes a neighboring element with its descriptive elementals to inherit the formers dominant position within an equational block

@ observing
1. an operation that utilizes Personal, Impersonal, or Transpersonal Witness to view internal and external objects and actions of elements with their descriptive elementals from a distance on the periphery of experience 2. an operation that activates Personal Observer and Impersonal Observer 3. an operation that incites the identification with the movement or being of Personal, Impersonal, or Transpersonal Witness

/ held within
an operation that places elements with their descriptive elementals within the spatial boundary of Inquiry or Transpersonal Witness

/@ held within and observed by
1. an operation that utilizes Transpersonal Witness to view internal and external objects and the actions of elements with their descriptive elementals while simultaneously holding these objects and elements within its spatial boundary 2. the operation that activates Transpersonal Observer

= at one with
1. an operation that transparently fuses elements with their descriptive elementals into an undivided whole 2. an operation that activates non-dual experience (i.e. Transpersonal Source) or true non-duality (i.e. Transpersonal Unity and Transpersonal Awakening)

⌃ living
1. an operation in Non-separation that animates the ego with a known non-dual existence 2. an operation that transforms the ego into realized spontaneous alignment with Transpersonal Awakening


are – as the way events are
1. a superscription that positions an individual to interpret their life experience as an unquestioned collection of distinct identity stories 2. a superscription that activates Personal Narrative and Impersonal Narrative

sbe – as the way events should be
1. a superscription that positions an individual to project expectations onto life experience based on a set of unquestioned identity stories 2. a superscription that activates Personal Narrative and Impersonal Narrative

x – replaced by
a superscription that eliminates one superscription and promotes a neighboring superscription to inherit the formers dominant position within an equational block; functions as a superscriptional operation

u unreal
1. a superscription that labels elements with their descriptive elementals as illusory experiences when compared to more advanced identity structures 2. the way elements with their descriptive elementals are interpreted when the locus of identity is centered in an observing Personal Witness as autonomous being 3. the way Personal Agent is interpreted in the beginning stages of impersonal experience

f false
1. a superscription that labels elements with their descriptive elementals as real but functioning as lesser forms of ego experience when compared to more advanced identity structures 2. the way Impersonal Ego is interpreted when observed by Impersonal Witness as autonomous being

> autonomous
a superscription that initiates the experience of personally or impersonally controlling all movement and being as a separate self; always seen coupled with movement or being superscriptions

< non-autonomous
a superscription that induces the surrender of normative control over a separate self in favor of the experience of being lived by an unknown entity; always seen coupled with movement or being superscriptions

* movement
1. a superscription that highlights the internal and external motion of the experience of an element or circumscription; always seen coupled with autonomous or non-autonomous superscriptions 2. the active aspect of observing as differentiated from the underlying stillness of a Witness

! being
1. a superscription that elevates an element’s or block’s sense of alive stillness; always seen coupled with autonomous or non-autonomous superscriptions 2. the still aspect of a Witness as differentiated from the activity of observing

# evolution
1. a superscription that transforms non-autonomous movement and being into the origin of infinite progression that animates the potentials and manifestations of Transpersonal Source 2.the total movement of and as Transpersonal Source

~ existence
1. a superscription that triggers the feeling of being lived by a known entity 2. the experience of a personal ego being lived as and by Transpersonal Awakening


\…\B block number
an equational prefix used to inform a practitioner of which numerical block they are translating in an equation; always seen coupled with an existential number or operand number

\…\E: existential number
an equational prefix used to inform a practitioner of which numerical existential they are translating in an equation; always seen coupled with a block number

\…\O: operand number
an equational prefix used to inform a practitioner of which numerical operand they are translating in an equation; always seen coupled with a block number